Thursday, July 23, 2009

Benefits of the Eb5 Visa Regional Center Plan

If you want to enter the United States as soon as possible, it might seem like you have few options. Most green card programs take years to allow immigrants into the country, and they have many requirements. However, be advised that there is a way to enter this country after fulfilling only a few conditions.

If you want to move to the United States with your family as soon as possible, you should learn about the eb5 visa Regional Center route. You might have heard of this visa, which requires you to make a one million dollar investment in a business in the United States. After proving you have the capital, starting a new company or taking over an old business, and creating ten or more full-time jobs for U.S. citizens, you have fulfilled your side of the bargain. Often, you can be living in the United States within eight months under this system.

If getting together a million dollars seems intimidating, consider whether you could get a business loan for $500,000 instead. If so, you can still start your own business using the eb5 visa, but you would simply start it in a targeted area, which has unemployment rates that are higher than the nation's average. There are about 50 of them scattered through this country, with more on the way, and most of them have a Regional Center that helps you hire employees. This means that for half the price of a regular eb5 visa, and in a much faster time period than a regular green card, you could be living in the U.S. with your own business through the eb5 visa Regional Center pathway.

The shorter time it takes to obtain this type of visa, which averages six to ten months, is just one of its benefits. There is also no labor requirement, unlike typical green cards that request that you have a job. You will own your own business, but you do not necessarily have to take part in everyday management. This is particularly an advantage of the eb5 visa Regional Center route, as targeted areas often have people there to help you hire employees and make other decisions. Additionally, you can choose to live anywhere in the country. Even if you use the eb5 visa Regional Center route, you do not have to live in the city where your business is located, especially if you do not plan to be involved in day-to-day operations.

You can move your immediate family, including unmarried children under the age of 21, with you to the United States with this visa type. As long as you have the ambition and investment capital to go along with this type of opportunity, you should. Taking the eb5 visa Regional Center route offers more flexibility and advantages than most other methods of entering the United States.

For more information on who should consider an EB5 regional center or visit the website for information on obtaining an EB-5 visa.

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